The trickster
The trickster

the trickster

You’ll see this in everything you in computing at some point. Communication is a protocol where sometimes the sender is bad, other times the receiver.

the trickster

This derives from facts that there is complexity all the way down and you cannot directly perceive anything. "Anything you say can be turned into something else.” It is impossible to put anything out in a way it can’t be misinterpreted.It takes time for your sensory organs to convert data into a neuronal transmission and more time for that to reach your brain. Perceptually everything you experience has already happened by the time you receive the inputs and process them in your brain. Perception is heavily dependent on pattern matching, and pattern matching misses. Look around the room, do you see things that appear solid? They are mostly empty space. This is important in changing the way we think.” “What the joke displays is a switch in perception. It is impossible to directly perceive anything.For many of us it is less about putting on a mask than it is about interfacing with different people in our lives. Several years ago the concept of the masks we wear was popular in pop psychology. You do not use the same tone when disagreeing with your spouse as with your children. Think about how you act toward your spouse, your kids, your boss. “I don’t hide behind masks, I bring out the part of me most appropriate to the situation.”

the trickster

We deal with this complexity through abstraction.

  • Manufacturing complexity underlies the hardware interpretation.
  • Hardware Interpretation of signals underlies IEEE 802.3u.
  • HTTP handshakes underlie the page and all it’s assets.
  • What happens when you pull down a page from the web? It appears simple and quick but those words are fluid and belie the complexity of what is taking place in a relatively short amount of time. Also, there are a limited number of good domain names available in the. We chose the name Complete Developer so that we could leave ourselves open to discuss many topics affecting developers. What is stable to Facebook API developers is chaotic to anyone else. What is fast to the turtle is slow to the rabbit. These are all terms we define fluidly or situationally. The ability to express numbers is incomplete. “The square root of negative one says to pi ‘be rational’ to which pi responds, ‘get real.'”
  • Numbers aren’t things, they represent things.
  • Discussed here are nine lessons a trickster would teach programmers. In Norse mythology which has been in the movies lately Thor would not have his hammer without Loki, nor Asgard it’s walls. In cultural stories, or myths tricksters play tricks to teach or create changes that leads to growth. From Coyote to Prometheus to Loki, today is April 1st or April Fool's Day a day we as a culture celebrate tricksters and pranksters. Tricksters are found in the mythology and stories of almost every culture.

    The trickster